Download the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP).

In the role of Canada’s national anti-doping organization, the CCES implements and administers the CADP on behalf of the Canadian sport community. It's designed to prevent, deter and detect doping and serves to protect the integrity of sport and the rights of clean athletes.  

National sport organizations (NSO) and multi-sport organizations (MSO) adopt the CADP. To date, it has been adopted by more than 70 NSOs and MSOs. In addition, 15 MSOs without athletes as members have signed the CADP Covenant to express their fundamental commitment to eliminating doping in sport.

Organizations, athletes, athlete support personnel, and other persons belonging to sport organizations that have adopted the CADP accept the rules as a condition of participation in sport and agree to be bound by these rules.

The CADP is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and all International Standards that address technical areas and the associated Technical Documents. 

The current version of the CADP came into force on January 1, 2021. The consultation for the 2027 CADP will begin in early 2026 after the 2027 Code has been approved. Learn more.

The CADP is broken out into seven core elements:

  • Deliver the CADP value proposition, ensuring a meaningful and effective anti-doping program in Canada that addresses the actual risk of doping in each sport.
  • Ensure CADP compliance with the Code and International Standards.
  • Provide support and offers resources to organizations adopting and implementing the CADP.
Athlete Services
  • Respond to questions about national and international anti-doping rules.
  • Provide medication information.
  • Assist with medical exemptions for athletes with medical conditions.
  • Deliver online education to athletes and athlete support personnel about the CADP.
  • Develop online, in-person and print content promoting clean sport for all ages and stages of long term athlete development.
  • Teach an approach to sport that focuses on a values-based skill development.
  • Ensure a test distribution plan is implemented based on a comprehensive risk assessment of the sport.
  • Ensure maximum deterrence and detection through an effective number of urine and blood tests, both in competition and out of competition.
  • Administer the athlete biological passport and athlete whereabouts programs.
Sample Collection
  • Provide sample collection services by certified CCES Doping Control Officers and Blood Collection Officers throughout the country who follow stringent sample collection procedures in support of the CADP and in accordance with the CCES quality system and health and safety requirements.
Results Management
  • Process analytical and non-analytical anti-doping rule violations to ensure due process is followed and the protection of athlete and athlete support personnel rights maintained.
  • Provide notification to the public of decisions regarding anti-doping rule violations and maintains an up-to-date registry of on-going sanctions.
  • Monitor sanctioned individuals to ensure they are not participating in sport for the duration of their sanctions.
Intelligence and Investigations
  • Collect information relating to anti-doping and critically analyze its content and validity to determine whether it should be considered as intelligence.
  • Meet and collaborate with other anti-doping organizations, sport organizations, public authorities, WADA-accredited laboratories, and government agencies to share intelligence pertaining to anti-doping matters.
  • Contribute intelligence to test distribution planning.
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