Clean Sport Educators (CSE) are members of the Canadian sport community who are trained and certified by the CCES to help educate athletes about clean sport.

Clean Sport is sport in which participants actively practice the values of fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun and is free of doping, both because participants choose not to dope and because they have the knowledge, tools and motivation to protect themselves from unintentional doping.

Read more about the CCES approach to values-based sport education.

Become a Clean Sport Educator

For athletes to connect clean sport to their own experience, it's crucial that they see enthusiastic, competent buy-in from their sport and from people they know, respect and work with. It's important for us to put a face to values-based sport, and to empower qualified people to engage with athletes.

CSEs are trained and certified through a series of steps:

  • Online learning covering the CADP,
  • Attending a virtual mock presentation,
  • An online exam,
  • In-person training, and
  • Formal evaluation of a sample presentation.

Expectations of Certified Clean Sport Educators

CSEs provide athletes with the knowledge, tools and resources they need to navigate the world of sport. It's important to emphasize that they must check their medications, exercise caution regarding supplements and cannabis, apply for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) as needed, and report doping, to protect themselves from inadvertent doping violations, and protect the integrity of sport.

To ensure accuracy and up to date messaging on these topics, CSEs must:

  • Receive training and achieve certification,
  • Provide in person education on clean sport using resources provided by the CCES,
  • Communicate key messages for the CCES,
  • Adhere to best practices,
  • Demonstrate professional behavior,
  • Refer inquiries and report on education activities to the CCES as needed,
  • Complete CCES online education on an annual basis, and
  • Be evaluated periodically.

​What can you do?

  • Request training: Would your organization benefit from training some people as CSEs? Let's discuss organizing a training session.
  • Express your interest: We'll contact you when training is available in your region. 

Contact us! For more information, phone 1-800-672-7775 or email at [email protected].