The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) wishes Team Canada the best of luck to at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, France!

Olympic Games

July 26 to August 11, 2024

Paralympic Games

August 28 to September 8, 2024

Anti-Doping Rules

The Games period begins when the Village opens and runs through to the Closing ceremonies:

Olympic Games

July 18 to August 11, 2024

Paralympic Games

August 21 to September 8, 2024

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Anti-Doping Rules will be in force for the Games. During the Games period, athletes are under the jurisdiction of the IOC regardless of where they are and when they arrive in or leave Paris.

The International Testing Agency (ITA) will carry out testing, manage the TUE process, and conduct results management on behalf of the IOC. Athletes may be notified of their selection for doping control at any time, at any place in the world, with no advance notice.

The ITA may test athletes on behalf of the IOC beginning April 18, 2024.

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Anti-Doping Code will be in force for the Games. During the Games period, athletes are under the jurisdiction of the IPC regardless of where they are and when they arrive in or leave Paris.

The Paris Organizing Committee for the 2024 Paralympic Games will carry out testing on behalf of the IPC.

The IPC has the authority to test athletes, guides, and pilots during the Games period only.

Before you go:

Anti-Doping Education

If you’re an athlete and have been named to Team Canada, you’re in your sport’s National Athlete Pool (NAP) and are therefore required to complete annual education under the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP). This comes with specific requirements, as well as rights and responsibilities.

Using the PDF invitation you were sent by email, log in to the CCES Online Learning Portal (or, if you’re new, sign up for an account using the PDF invitation you were sent by email) and complete one of the following courses, which is determined by your eligibility. 

True Sport Clean

True Sport Clean

Athletes doing a CCES e-learning course for the first time, or who haven’t done a course in over a year, must complete True Sport Clean 2024.

True Sport Clean Review 2024

The 2024 True Sport Clean Review

Returning learners (i.e., those who completed a True Sport Clean course in 2023) must complete The 2024 True Sport Clean Review. 

If you have any questions and need assistance, email [email protected].

Why complete anti-doping education?

Athletes may be selected for doping control, so they should be prepared to participate in the process and be diligent about the medications and supplements they’re taking.

Athlete support personnel, like coaches, trainers, medical support personnel, and administrators, should know how to support athletes through every step of the doping control process and avoid prohibited behaviours. 

Parents, guardians, and other caregivers should support their child as they step up to compete on the world stage, help them navigate a complex anti-doping system, and ensure their rights are respected and they fulfil their responsibilities.

For everybody, it means staying true to your values whether you’re coaching, cheering, competing, or in the stands. Be clear about which principles drive you to ensure the Games are a positive sport experience. 

Competition Manipulation Education

In addition to anti-doping rules, the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions is in force at the Olympic Games! The CCES and the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) continue to collaborate on education about this issue.

To learn more about competition manipulation, also known as match fixing and match manipulation, we ask you to log in to the CCES Online Learning Portal, then complete Understanding Competition Manipulation.

Olympic Games

Athletes, support personnel, and mission team staff must complete Understanding Competition Manipulation in the Online Learning Portal.

Paralympic Games

Athletes, support personnel, and mission team staff are encouraged to complete Understanding Competition Manipulation, but it’s not mandatory.

Key rules about competition manipulation:
  • Don’t bet on your own competition, any competition in your sport, or any event at the Games.
  • Never share inside information that isn’t publicly available – don’t ask for it, receive it, or use it, either.
  • Always do your best. Never manipulate the competition, in whole or in part. Don’t help anyone to do so, either.
  • Report what you know if you have suspicions or are aware of attempts to manipulate a competition. Use the CCES Integrity Hotline or the IOC Integrity and Compliance Hotline.

Learn more about competition manipulation here.

Check Your Medications

Do you use a prescription medication or any over-the-counter medications? They could contain substances that are prohibited in sport.

The Prohibited List

The Prohibited List is an international standard prepared by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) that identifies which substances and methods are prohibited in sport. Learn more about the categories in the Prohibited List on our page about banned substances and methods.

To avoid testing positive by mistake, make sure that you search for any and all medications you’re using currently, or will use during the Games, in our online database, Global DRO

Did you do a search and still need help? Get in touch: 

How can I check medications when I’m in France?

Medications sold in France are not included in Global DRO. Whenever possible, bring medications you have verified in Global DRO with you, and declare the use of locally purchased medications during doping control. 

If you need to purchase medication locally, talk to the COC or CPC medical team before you consume anything. You can use the AFLD’s website to find the status of drugs purchased locally in France, but this resource is available only in French.

What does “prohibited in competition” mean during the Games?

Global DRO may tell you that your medication is prohibited in competition only. At the Games, the in-competition period starts at 11:59 pm the day before your competition and ends following the conclusion of the doping control process for that competition. Occasionally, IFs will have their own definitions of in-competition.

Apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption, if necessary

The CCES grants medical exemptions for medically justified uses of prohibited prescription medications. There are several types of exemptions. Olympic and Paralympic Games athletes using a prohibited prescription medication need to apply for a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) prior to competition.

Already have a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)?

Athletes with a valid TUE from the CCES or their international federation (IF) must ensure the TUE is in ADAMS prior to the opening of the Village (see Anti-Doping Rules section at the top of the page for dates). You should also verify your TUE certificate for:

  • Expiration date. Ensure it will be valid through the entire Games period.
  • Medication and dosage. Ensure it reflects your current treatment plan.

Do you need a TUE?

The application process can be lengthy so it’s important to apply as soon as possible. If you require a new TUE before the following dates;

  • Olympic Games: July 18, 2024
  • Paralympic Games: August 5, 2024

then you must:

  • Use the CCES Medical Exemption Wizard to determine whether you should submit the application to the international federation (IF) or the CCES.
  • Apply to the CCES or your IF as soon as possible to ensure there’s enough time for the application to be reviewed.
  • Keep the team physician and the COC/CPC Chief Medical Officer in the know about the status of your TUE application.

If you need a TUE after the dates above:

Olympic Games

Follow the instructions on the ITA’s website, and submit to the TUE Office at the Polyclinic in the Village or directly in ADAMS. Making an appointment at the Polyclinic is advised.

Paralympic Games

Apply to the IPC TUE committee via ADAMS or [email protected], using the application form available on the IPC’s website.

Did you go through the Medical Exemption Wizard and still need help? Get in touch:

  • Email your question to: [email protected].
  • Call 1-800-672-7775 or 1 613-521-3340 from abroad.

Read more about Therapeutic Use Exemptions.


All athletes at the Games will need to submit their whereabouts for the whole duration of the Games period, even if they’re done competing or have left the Village.

Games-time whereabouts information may include:

  • Arrival and departure dates
  • Accommodation details during the Games including:
    • Location, name of the building and room number in the Village
    • Hotel name, address and room number (if not staying in the Village)
    • Training and competition schedule including venues and locations

RTP athletes will continue to submit their whereabouts via ADAMS or Athlete Central

If you’re not in the RTP:

Olympic Games

The COC will provide your whereabouts to the ITA via the ITA Rooming App.

Paralympic Games

The CPC will provide your whereabouts
 to the IPC.

Doping Control Procedures

Always remember your rights and responsibilities under global anti-doping rules. Athletes will be asked to provide urine and/or blood samples.

  • You can bring someone with you to doping control to act as your representative and to assist with translation or interpretation as needed,
  • Minors must be accompanied by a representative,
  • You can request modifications to the sample collection process,
  • You must report to the doping control station immediately when notified for doping control, and
  • Record any concerns about the doping control process in a Supplementary Report (if available) or on the Doping Control Form in the “Comments” area.

Can I ask for a delay reporting to doping control?

You can always request a delay for a valid reason, but the doping control officer (DCO) may not be able to grant a delay. If you are granted a delay, you’ll be accompanied by a chaperone and must remain in sight the whole time – no exceptions.

Valid reasons for requesting a delay:

  • Locating a representative and/or interpreter,
  • Warming down,
  • Accessing medical treatment,
  • Getting photo identification,
  • Fulfilling media commitments,
  • Completing a training session,
  • Competing in additional events, or
  • Participating in a medal ceremony.
The Doping Control Process

Find out what to expect during doping control, from the time you are notified until you complete the process.

Learn more

Tips for Doping Control

See what Canadian Olympians have to say after being tested a combined 150 times.

Watch the video

Questions about the process? Email [email protected]

Dried Blood Spot Testing

Dried blood spot (DBS) testing is a relatively new method of collecting samples. It involves taking a few drops of blood, usually from the upper arm or fingertip. In Paris, the Tasso-M20 device will be used to collect the sample from your upper arm. Those drops are placed onto special filter paper cards for lab analysis. You might give a DBS sample on its own, or in addition to a urine or blood sample. You can learn more about DBS testing in the FAQ below!


At Major Games, you might be asked for your agreement to have additional accredited observers in the sample collection session with you. For example, the ITA or IPC might have staff on-site to make sure everything goes smoothly, WADA might have an observer to make sure everything is Code-compliant, and interpreters might be there, too. 

Take the True Sport Principles with You

Which values and principles will you take with you to France? What will you bring onto the field of play? See what Canadian Olympians have to say about how their values and principles informed their participation in sport.

The True Sport Principles

Learn about the seven principles that are at the heart of True Sport. Available in English, French, four Indigenous languages, and other languages that are commonly used in Canada.

Read More

Join True Sport

If you live the values and principles of True Sport, consider joining to demonstrate to your teammates, your opponents, and yourself that good sport can make a great difference.

Read More

For Parents and Guardians

Doping Control

Doping control refers to the process of collecting urine and blood samples for analysis. If this is the first time your child may go through doping control, it’s important for both of you to learn about the process. They will learn about it in True Sport Clean, and you can learn more about it in the Untracked version of the e-learning course, or this web page that includes a short video.

The Representative

Athletes can ask for someone to accompany them throughout the doping control process to help protect their rights and fulfil their responsibilities. The time for them to say they would like a representative is when they’re notified that they’ve been selected for testing.

Minors are strongly encouraged to bring a representative to doping control. For a minor athlete, the representative must be an adult (18 years or older). If your child is a minor, consider discussing prior to the Games who will act as their representative. 

The representative can be a coach or other trusted adult. Your child and their chaperone can locate the representative before sample collection begins. The representative can ask questions, observe the process, and make comments on the doping control form to give the testing authority feedback about the process. 

Support Checking Medications and Medical Exemptions

Two of the most important things you can do is to help your child check their medications and help with Therapeutic Use Exemption applications, if necessary. You may need to liaise between the CCES and your child’s physician. 


Unlike athletes and athlete support personnel, parents do not have a mandatory education requirement, but we encourage you to learn more about anti-doping and clean sport!

True Sport Clean Accessible

A freely accessible version of True Sport Clean so parents can access the same course material as athletes.

Learn More

Clean Sport Parents’ Guide

Download the 2023 Canada Games Parents’ Guide which summarizes everything you can do to support clean sport.

Learn More

Continue reading

More information about the steps you’ll need to take to check medications, prepare a medical exemption, if necessary, and more.

Learn More


The CCES recommends that all decisions about supplementation, whether for nutrition, performance, or recovery, should be made under advisement of medical professionals. 

If you decide to use melatonin, or any other supplement, select one that has been batch tested by a reputable testing program like BSCG, Informed Choice, Informed Sport, or NSF Certified for Sport to minimize the risk of contamination.

Paris 2024 is hiring personnel with broad language skills and are going to do their best to match languages to the needs of each sport. Sample collection personnel will also have some tools, like prompt cards, to help communicate. 

Remember, you also have the right to request a delay to find a representative and/or an interpreter. As a last resort, you may want to install a translation app on your phone. 

Some countries and some Games use equipment that’s different from the Berlinger kits used in Canada. It all works on similar principles and samples are collected with procedures that are compliant with WADA’s international standards. The DCO will provide instructions to help you use the unfamiliar equipment to collect, split, and seal your sample.

At the Paralympic Games:

A traditional blood sample collection is taken from the vein, and it requires more blood from the athlete. Three to 5 mL of blood is collected, then sent to the laboratory using temperature-controlled shipping. In comparison, DBS is a faster process that takes a much smaller amount of blood (a few drops) and it is far easier to ship to a laboratory. Because samples are smaller and faster to produce, anti-doping organizations can collect and store more of them. 1

Unlike traditional blood sample collection, there is no wait time post-activity for a DBS collection.

1 With dried blood spot analysis, anti-doping science is pushing the boundaries at Beijing 2022 and beyond | World Anti Doping Agency

DBS testing is another tool in our toolbelt to look for substances on the Prohibited List. It can detect some substances better than a urine test would. A DBS sample will usually be collected in addition to a urine sample.

DBS is more limited in what it can test for, so it’s not a replacement for conventional urine and blood testing. But it is an exciting new tool in our efforts to keep sport clean!

Doping control personnel will always work with you to accommodate your needs. ITA’s anti-doping rules state that if you need additional equipment to provide a sample, like a catheter or drainage system, or urine collection container, then it’s the athlete’s responsibility to provide it. Athletes are encouraged to have such equipment available in case they’re selected for testing. 

You can eat in the waiting area, but not in the processing room of the doping control station. Water and other sealed beverages will be available in the doping control station. Alcohol is not allowed in the doping control station.

Yes – in the waiting area. But keep the volume down, be considerate of others, and please don’t disrupt athletes, their support personnel, or doping control personnel. And no photos or videos! 

No. Doping control is meant to be a confidential and discreet process. Nobody’s allowed to record the process, whether it’s in photos, videos, or audio.

Paris has its own WADA-accredited lab, like our own INRS Institut Armand-Frappier here in Montreal. Their lab is called the Laboratoire Anti-Dopage Français (LADF), at the Université de Paris-Saclay.