As of April 1, 2025, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) will independently administer the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) through the application of the new Canadian Safe Sport Program (CSSP) Rules for federally funded, national-level sport organizations.
Following several rounds of extensive consultation with experts and the sport community, the CCES is pleased to share the final version of the CSSP Rules. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and participated in the consultation process.
The following documents will be in effect as of April 1, 2025:
- CSSP Rules
- CSSP Rules, redlined v2 to final
- Explanatory document
- UCCMS, version 7.0
- UCCMS, version 7.0, redlined to final
- CSSP Privacy Policy
- CSSP Privacy Policy summary
Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules Adoption
The CSSP Rules adoption process will take place between January and March 2025. Federally funded, national-level sport organizations are required to adopt the CSSP as a valid policy document and it must be incorporated into the organization’s rules. CCES staff will contact all federally funded sport organizations individually to help them through the onboarding and implementation of the rules and associated requirements. Organizations will be provided with a complete adoption process guide and designated CCES safe sport contact for ongoing support throughout the adoption process.
Contact the CCES about Safe Sport
- Email [email protected], or
- Call 613-521-3340.
UPDATE: Wind-down of Abuse-Free Sport Program
The CCES has been working with Sport Canada and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) to ensure a smooth wind down of the Abuse-Free Sport Program, including the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), and the launch of the new CSSP. As explained below, the OSIC’s operations will be extended to support the resolution of as many cases as possible with the goal of minimizing disruption for sport participants, especially victims and survivors of maltreatment.
The following measures will come into effect beginning February 1, 2025:
- OSIC will continue to accept reports but will not start new investigations.
- Reports will be reviewed to see if immediate action through provisional measures is warranted.
- Reports not requiring immediate action will be held until April 1, 2025, when those reports will be shared, with the consent of the parties, with the CCES to see if they qualify under the CSSP.
- Potential complainants can also wait until April 1, 2025, to submit their report directly to the CCES.
- OSIC will continue to provide support services for sport participants, including victims and survivors, such as the Abuse-Free Sport Helpline, Mental Health Support Program, and Legal Aid Program, which will be available until March 31, 2025.
- The CSSP will launch, and the CCES will begin handling reports and providing support services.
- The OSIC will stop accepting new reports but will finish handling reports received before February 1, 2025.
- If any complainants during the February-March period choose to pursue their report with the CCES on or after April 1, 2025, their report information will be shared with the CCES and the CCES will review those reports to see if they qualify under the CSSP.
- If any cases are still unresolved at the end of this period, OSIC will advise parties that the cases cannot be resolved by OSIC and, with the consent of the parties, the CCES will determine their eligibility under the new program.
- The OSIC will close.
- The CCES will fully take over the administration of the UCCMS under the new CSSP.
On May 2, 2024, the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, then-Minister of Sport and Physical Activity, announced that the CCES would administer the UCCMS as of April 1, 2025. The CCES has been working closely with the SDRCC, who manages the current OSIC and the Abuse-Free Sport Program, on a plan to ensure there is no interruption in services to sport organizations and athletes. The CCES would like to recognize the significant work done by the SDRCC to launch and operate Canada’s first Abuse-Free Sport Program and the OSIC. Click here for the Minister's update.
NOTE: The current versions of the OSIC and Abuse-Free Sport remain in force and are under the authority of the SDRCC until April 1, 2025. Please visit the Abuse-Free Sport website for more information:
Consultation Process
From June to December 2024, the CCES conducted an extensive consultation process. As the program launches and grows, we are committed to moving forward in this same collaborative approach.
June 2024
The CCES surveyed existing Abuse-Free Sport signatories to gather feedback and information to inform revisions to the program.
July to September 2024
A first draft of the next version of this program was written using the information gathered in the survey, guided by a diverse set of experts including athletes. The draft was accompanied by an explanatory document that clearly identifies the revisions and the rationale to support them.
October to early November 2024
The first draft of the Canadian Safe Sport Program (CSSP) Rules was released. The sport community was invited to provide feedback on the draft and share their experiences with the current program through one of five consultations.
November 2024
The first draft of the CSSP Rules was revised based on feedback from consultations.
December 2024
The draft CSSP Rules (version 2), redline version, and a supporting explanatory document are available for a final round of feedback, to be submitted via email or phone as outlined above.
- Draft Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules (version 2)
- Draft Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules (version 2) - Redline
- Explanatory document
- Adoption Contract and Participant Consent Form (for review and reference only)
January 2025
The final Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules were published on January 17.
January through March 2025
The adoption process will begin. CCES staff will help all federally funded sport organizations through the onboarding and implementation of the rules and associated requirements.
April 1, 2025
The new Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules will come into effect for national-level participants of all federally funded sport organizations. All matters related to the UCCMS will be reported through the CCES.