As of April 2025, the CCES will administer the new Canadian Safe Sport Program (CSSP) for national-level, federally funded sport organizations in Canada. In preparation for this new mandate for safe sport in Canada, the CCES stepped back and reviewed its organizational strategy and structure so that it is fit for purpose as a broader sport integrity agency.
The CCES also conducted an extensive consultation process for the program. Given the critical importance of independence, the CCES has made the decision to move on from the work historically done using the True Sport brand. While we continue to believe strongly in the values inherent in the True Sport principles, we believe we must first and foremost focus on our mandate as an independent regulator of sport integrity. This means passing the baton and letting others build upon the comprehensive True Sport foundation already in place.
The CCES will continue to place a strong emphasis on education and prevention focused through the lens of a national sport integrity regulator and will remain values-based in all of our work. You can read more about our new strategic direction in this statement.
We have stopped taking new members or supporting new initiatives, but the True Sport website will remain live and the free, downloadable resources are still available. Accordingly, you can proceed with the True Sport activities you have planned for the year, continue to display the logo, and keep championing values-based sport in your community.
Visit the True Sport website to access tools and resources.