Aagab, Mohamed | M | Athletics | Presence: recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO) | Ends September 11, 2026 |  |  |
Aubut, André | M | Cycling | Administration EPO | life |  |  |
Batdorj, Munkhjin | M | Judo | Presence: trenbolone metabolite | Ends June 25, 2025 |  |  |
Binet, Israel | M | Bodybuilding | Presence: clenbuterol | life | | |
Blanchet, Jean-Christophe | M | Weightlifting | Presence: GW501516 | Ends March 22, 2026 |  |  |
Burgmaier, Donovan | M | U SPORTS Football | Presence: dehydrochlor- methyltestosterone | Ends January 25, 2028 |  |  |
| U SPORTS Football | Presence: dehydrochlor- methyltestosterone | Ends January 25, 2035 |  |  |
Chua, Patrick | M | Powerlifting | Presence: GW501516, ibutamoren, methylphenidate | Ends December 1, 2029 |  |  |
Dahab, Tarek | M | Para Cycling | Presence: testosterone | Ends December 20, 2027 |  | Hearing  Appeal  |
de Bruin, Christine | F | Bobsleigh | Presence: SARM LGD-4033 | Ends September 27, 2025 |  |  |
Doucette, Greg | M | Cycling | Refusal | Ends October 1, 2026 |  |  |
Duquette, Maurice | M | Cycling | Administration: EPO | life |  | n/a |
El-Karsh, Zeyad | M | Weightlifting | Presence: SARM LGD-4033, tamoxifen | Ends May 12, 2025 |  |  |
Fuss, Duane | M | Bodybuilding | Presence: nandrolone, testosterone Presence: stanozolol | life | | |
Gagnon-Maltais, Darren | M | Powerlifting | Presence and use: SARM LGD-4033 | Ends September 11, 2025 |  |  |
Gaziev, Ruslan | M | Swimming | Whereabouts | Ends May 31, 2025 |  |  |
Hagerman, Brendan | M | Softball | Presence: cocaine, amfetamine | Ends August 30, 2025 |  |  |
Harmer, Rob | M | Junior Football | Presence: boldenone, testosterone Refusal | life | | |
Hutt, Thane | M | Powerlifting | Presence: dehydrochlor-methyltestosterone, GW501516, amfetamine Refusal | Ends July 15, 2029 |  |  |
Johnson, Ben | M | Athletics | Presence: testosterone Presence: hydrochlorothiazide | life | | |
Lieph, Scott | M | Softball | Presence: mesterolone, oxandrolone | Ends May 25, 2025 |  |  |
MacLeod, Christopher | M | Football | Presence: SARM RAD140 | Ends July 24, 2027 |  |  |
McAuley, Nolan | M | Broomball | Presence: cannabis | Ends September 5, 2026 |  |  |
Molnar, Steve | M | Bobsleigh | Presence: stanozolol Presence: cannabis, methandienone, oxymetholone | life |  |  |
Morelli, Joao | M | Soccer | Presence: clomiphene metabolites | Ends November 7, 2025 |  |
Naugler, David | M | Bodybuilding | Presence: ephedrine, nandrolone, clenbuterol, boldenone, stanozolol | life | | |
Papanikolaou, Constantinos | M | U SPORTS Football | Presence: SARM LGD-4033 | Ends February 25, 2034 |  |  |
Papanikolaou, Dimitrios | M | U SPORTS Football | Presence: SARM LGD-4033 | Ends February 25, 2034 |  |  |
Pierre, Jean-Joel | M | Bodybuilding | Presence: stanozolol | life | | n/a |
Pietrzyk, Jessica | F | Powerlifting | Presence: methandienone and methylphenidate | Ends April 3, 2026 |  |  |
Plug, Derek | M | Bobsleigh | Presence: methyltestosterone | Ends February 7, 2026 |  |  |
Pointing, David | M | Powerlifting | Presence: GW501516 | Ends April 23, 2026 |  |  |
Schmidt, Madeline | F | Kayak | Whereabouts | Ends April 5, 2026 |  |  |
Sheppard, Cody | M | Powerlifting | Presence: GW501516 | Ends April 3, 2025 |  |  |
Stanley, Jonathan | M | Powerlifting | Presence: trenbolone, oxandrolone, clostebol, nandrolone, drostanolone, testosterone, methylphenidate | Ends July 24, 2026 |  |  |
Stein, William | M | U SPORTS Swimming | Presence: testosterone, metandienone, mesterolone, DHCMT, GW501516 | Ends December 3, 2029 |  |  |
Sutter, Aidan | M | U SPORTS Ice Hockey | Presence: SARM RAD140, SARM LGD-4033, SARM ostarine (S-22), GW501516, ibutamoren, amfetamine | Ends October 9, 2028 |  |  |
Thrones, Mikal | M | Powerlifting | Presence: metandienone, drostanolone, SARM RAD140, SARM LGD-4033, GW501516 Use: BPC-157 | Ends January 20, 2030 |  |  |
Vargas, Alex | M | Cheer | Use, administration, trafficking: cocaine | life |  |  |
Vladimirovich, Noah | M | Weightlifting | Presence: oxadrolone | Ends September 9, 2027 |  |  |
Walchuk, Michael | M | Boxing | Presence: cocaine Refusal | life | | |
Wanadi, Édouard | M | U SPORTS Football | Presence: GW501516 | Ends November 9, 2026 |  |  |
| U SPORTS Football | CADP Rule 10.14.1 | Ends November 9, 2030 | n/a | n/a |
Zanganeh, Navid | M | Wrestling | Presence: oxandrolone | Ends April 24, 2027 |  |  |
| Wrestling | CADP Rule 10.14.1 | Ends April 24, 2031 | n/a | n/a |